Terms of sale

I present them Condizioni Generali di Vendita riguardano l’acquisto di prodotti a distanza tramite rete telematica sul sito www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it.

Le presenti Condizioni di Vendita regolano la vendita dei prodotti commercializzati dall’azienda di Paola Floris al fine di assicurare la massima trasparenza e chiarezza nel rapporto con gli utenti. All sales and purchase transactions, between the Seller and the Customer, will be governed by the following General Conditions.


Users who intend to buy on www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it and use the services on the site must register. The user who registers declares that he has read the privacy policy, and that the personal data entered are truthful, besides correct, taking full responsibility for the information provided.


The sales contracts of the products on the site www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it they are considered concluded when the purchase order made by the customer is received. The will promptly send the customer receipt of the purchase order made by the customer. The client, by sending your purchase order electronically, dichiara di aver preso visione e di aver accettato le presenti condizioni generali di vendita e si obbliga a osservarle e rispettarle nei suoi rapporti con Paola Floris.


The electronic commerce system adopted on the site www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it is designed to guarantee maximum transparency to the Client, indicating in real time the exact status of availability of the Products in the warehouse and related delivery times.


Paola Floris ai sensi dell’art. 13 del D.Lgs. 196/2003 informs that the personal and fiscal data acquired also verbally in reference to the commercial relationships established, provided directly by the interested parties, or otherwise acquired within the scope of the Company's activity, will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned legislation, including the confidentiality obligations envisaged by these. In relation to the aforementioned, the rights referred to in the article may be exercised 7 D.Lgs. 196/2003.


The customer is required, before submitting your purchase order, to read these carefully General conditions of Sale. Forwarding the purchase order implies their full knowledge and acceptance. The customer is required, In the end, once the online purchase procedure has been completed, to print and keep the present General conditions of Sale, already viewed and accepted during the conclusion of the contract.


By placing the order online, the Client sends to www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it a proposal to purchase the product and/or products added to the cart. When the Customer places an online order for the products he has placed in the cart, agrees to purchase them at the price and terms indicated herein General conditions of Sale.


The customer buys the product, whose characteristics are illustrated online in the relative descriptive and technical sheets, at the price indicated therein plus the delivery costs specified on the site (except in special cases). Before forwarding the purchase order, the unit cost of each selected product is summarized, the total cost in case of purchase of several products and the related delivery costs. Once the purchase order has been submitted, the customer will receive from www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it an e-mail message certifying confirmation of receipt of the purchase order and containing information relating to the main characteristics of the purchased good, the detailed indication of the price, of delivery costs, applicable taxes and means of payment.


All sales prices displayed on the site www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it are indicated in Euros and include VAT. Le spese di spedizione qualora l’acquisto sia di un valore inferiore a €100 (except in exceptional or promotional cases), are the responsibility of the customer, clearly displayed before completing the order. Any customs duties are charged to the customer. Si suggerisce di entrare in contatto con le proprie autorità doganali per conoscerne il valore prima del perfezionamento dell’acquisto.


Transport costs are charged to the customer, clearly visible at the time of placing the order.

www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it assumes no responsibility for any delays in delivery by shipping companies.

ITALIA (Tariffa Unica): GLS

ESTERO (Tariffa Variabile): FEDEX/TNT

NOTA: Le tariffe sono evidenziate automaticamente al momento del check-out. Per informazioni supplementari paolaguidaturisticafirenze@gmail.com


The purchased good, together with the receipt, is delivered by courier to the address specified by the Customer when ordering online. Paola Floris garantisce la consegna del prodotto acquistato nel più breve tempo possibile. In the event of non-delivery due to the recipient's absence, to the address indicated by him in the order, the courier will leave a notice and try again a second time; if the addressee is still absent, the goods will be returned to the sender with costs to be charged to the customer.


The products purchased on the site www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it are subject to the regulation on the sale of consumer goods. The delivered products comply with the characteristics illustrated online in the relative descriptive and technical sheets.


The consumer has the right to exercise the right of withdrawal. In particular, il consumatore ha diritto di recedere da qualunque contratto concluso con Paola Floris, without specifying the reason, within the deadline of 2 (due) working days starting from the receipt of the goods. The right of withdrawal is recognized by the consumer in relation to any goods purchased by him on the site www.paolaguidaturisticafirenze.it. The right of withdrawal is exercised with the sending, within the aforementioned term, of a communication by certified e-mail to the address paolafloris0607@pec.it. The notice of withdrawal must necessarily be sent, within the aforementioned terms, also by standard mail to paolaguidaturisticafirenze@gmail.com. Paola Floris è tenuta al rimborso delle somme versate dal cliente, excluding shipping costs.

In particular, Paola Floris procederà alla trasmissione dell’ordine di riaccredito relativo al costo del bene spedito entro 15 (fifteen) working days from the date on which the return package was received. This operation will be carried out by crediting the sum to the bank account indicated by the customer. Paola Floris ha il diritto di respingere qualsiasi prodotto restituito non perfettamente integro o con modalità diverse da quelle sopra specificate, as well as products for which the return costs have not been paid in full by the customer, or the methods and times indicated for the communication of the exercise of the right of withdrawal have not been respected.


Returns for defective goods are the responsibility of the operator. This will be done after you send photographic evidence of the defective product immediately after receiving the package to the address paolaguidaturisticafirenze@gmail.com and at the pec address: paolafloris0607@pec.it.

La merce resa c.d. per cambio, they are considered free only if another product is chosen at the same time otherwise they are the sole responsibility of the customer.

Per qualsiasi chiarimento scrivete a paolaguidaturisticafirenze@gmail.com e saremo felici di assistervi e trovare la soluzione migliore e più semplice per effettuare il reso.


In caso di mancato pagamento totale o parziale del prezzo di acquisto del bene Paola Floris si riserva il diritto di dichiarare, pursuant to and by effect of art. 1456 of the Civil Code, terminated this contract by sending a written communication to the customer's email address.


For any complaint or clarification, the customer will have to contact the number +393805237217 o l’indirizzo e-mail paolaguidaturisticafirenze@gmail.com


This contract is regulated by the Italian law. La competenza e il foro esclusivo per ogni eventuale azione legale intentata dall’Acquirente ai sensi della presente garanzia o di eventuali ulteriori garanzie legali sarà il Tribunale di Firenze.